About Us

We started Mami Wata Studio because of love and belief. Our love for fashion, versatility and Africa. Our belief in the power of women. “Mami Wata” is West African Pidgin English literally meaning ‘mama water’… ‘Mother ocean’ if you prefer. From Madagascar to Morocco, Liberia to Mozambique, Mami Wata is the African water spirit who appears in the shape of a mermaid. It is said that those who she takes for her lovers, return with a new spirit and become more successful and good looking. She is a symbol of fertility, a protector of women and children, a guardian of sea creatures and natural environments.
Our mission at Mami Wata is to be a creative force for good in Middle East & Africa.
We do this through: 
Manufacturing in Lebanon
We design and manufacture our collections, in Lebanon to create jobs and build skills in the motherland. Creating jobs grows economies. Growing economies creates jobs. It’s a virtuous circle. We try to use as much as possible materials that are available on the market; this means that whenever you buy anything from us, you’re helping us support local business.

Supporting an African organization
Children of Africa is a World-leading African NGO supporting children and young people of the weakest social groups, with particular attention to the female gender , guaranteeing then access to quality education , health and food protection.
 “Born in the USA, I grew up between Lebanon & Côte d’Ivoire and it felt innate to have both of these cultures represented somehow in my fashion brand. Mami wata is determined to create a wardrobe recognized for its innovative cuts and subtle cross-cultural inspirations through our story and designs. Whether a working modern woman or a more traditional one, we want our client to feel confident, successful and powerful through our brand. We help you embrace yourself and own who you are. “